Crusader kings 2 plus with historical immersion project
Crusader kings 2 plus with historical immersion project

crusader kings 2 plus with historical immersion project

Players will note that total army sizes for large, decentralized realms are much smaller than they'd normally expect. This curve effectively balances large, decentralized realms it relatively boosts smaller, more centralized realms and yet it still ensures reliable and reasonable returns upon army size from conquest at every level. Vanilla's faction model is fundamentally ineffective in such realms, because any given per-title faction will always be dwarfed by the rest of the realm, even if the majority of all vassals do want to revolt.įor all rulers, liege levy-raising efficiency scales down with increasing realm size, the number of holdings in the ruler's (sub-)realm, on a very finely-grained nonlinear curve. Therefore, in realms where there are multiple crown titles, the whole realm can still unite in common cause to reduce crown authority, although their individual willingness to revolt is still largely dependent upon whichever crown laws affect them (and how much their particular interests are at stake due to them). Unlike vanilla, the new faction isn't tied to a single crown title.The new faction allows rulers to revolt against vassal kings whenever the vassal kingdom's crown laws do indeed apply to the prospective faction member.AI will be much more willing to wage a civil war to lower crown authority against lieges who hold crown law titles that affect at least one player with any of the "King's Peace" laws (even when the player doesn't qualify for the faction).Note that the maximum liege levy malus due to a large/huge realm size (see: Dynamic Levies) is only -50%!įaction to lower Crown Authority Each level beyond Medium CA (3/5) provides a +20% boost to the crown's maximum liege levy, up to +40% at Absolute CA (5/5).Each level beyond Limited CA (2/5) provides an extra demesne size bonus to the crown, up to +3 at Absolute CA (5/5).In other words, 100% (i.e., at maximum Levy Efficiency, a liege levy unaffected by vassal opinion) is possible at Absolute CA (5/5). If you should so choose to use your authority to pass the laws, Internal King's Peace will add +10% and Complete King's Peace will add another +10%.Each level beyond Autonomous Vassals (1/5) grants an additional +20% boost to the crown's minimum liege levy (i.e., makes the crown increasingly less dependent upon opinion to raise same-size armies), up to +80% at Absolute CA (5/5).Feudal Elective, as it should be, is always an option (unless an unreformed Pagan or a Muslim, of course).

crusader kings 2 plus with historical immersion project

  • Tanistry remains unrestricted, for players.
  • Ultimogeniture requires High CA (4/5), with the exception of Mongols who require Limited CA (2/5).
  • Succession law requirements are now more tightly tied to Crown Authority, and the rules have now significantly changed.
  • Whenever a crown title is usurped (by any means whatsoever), its Crown Authority is automatically lowered by one tier, and all of its laws are adjusted accordingly.
  • If you've already raised Crown Authority and create a new crown title (rather than usurp, inherit, or otherwise gain it from another character), your lifetime cooldown is transferred to the new title automatically (no more raising your primary title authority twice in one lifetime when creating an empire).
  • All increases in authority, either directly through the master slider or through individual laws, incur a 10-year opinion malus from all rulers to which the crown law applies.

    Crown Authority may only be raised once per title per lifetime, while individual laws such as Free Infidel Title Revocation or Protected Inheritance may be configured at will, without cooldown, as long as the title has sufficient CA.The Crown Authority slider unlocks different laws which can be passed (or not, if you so choose) at each level as well as different succession laws, casus belli, and other effects.Crown laws have been overhauled to merge the classic configurability of PB/EMF-style laws with the strategic and challenge benefits afforded by usage of a "master" slider to represent Crown Authority itself.

    Crusader kings 2 plus with historical immersion project